Thursday, March 19, 2009

LPNC Letters Of Correspondence - #2

LPNC Letters of Correspondence March 18, 2009


1. New name for “Weekly Update”

2. 2009 State Convention — Next Move: Building on Success

3. Fellow Travelers: New American Tea Party Movement

4. Libertarian Voter Registration Update: 4,600+!

5. Elevator Pitch: Gun Control

6. LPNC Resources

1. New name for “Weekly Update”

Last week we started our new weekly email update for those on the
LPNC's email list. We asked readers to think of a better name than
"Weekly Update". Thanks for the response! JS offered several wonderful
suggestions and is our runner-up, but the winner is GAE, who gave us
the fantastic "LPNC Letters of Correspondence". If you're not familiar
with the Colonial Committees of Correspondence, you might appreciate
learning about that important point in American history here:

GAE wins a great shirt from which is based on a real sign
from a Chinese playground:

demonstrating what we all know to be true - that 'communist playgrounds stink'!

Have a story idea? Affiliate news? Feedback on this update? Send it
to Susan at

2. 2009 State Convention — Next Move: Building on Success

Join the Libertarian Party of North Carolina as we ponder our Next
Move: Building on Success at our annual State Convention in Burlington
April 17-19, 2009.

For information on attending, tickets, and the convention hotel, check
out the Convention '09 website:

If you have items you would like to donate for the benefit auction,
you can simply reply to this email with information. Thanks!

3. Fellow Travelers: New American Tea Party Movement

[“Fellow Travelers” is a regular feature spotlighting groups in North
Carolina and beyond who help further the libertarian cause in one or
more directions. If you have a group you’d like to share with fellow
Libertarians for this feature, please send it to Susan at]

Tea Party Movement

From their website:

The New American Tea Party is a coalition of citizens and
organizations concerned about the recent trend of fiscal recklessness
in government.

On February 27th, we got a group of over 300 activists from around the
country to participate in a big event resembling the classic tax
revolt that jump-started the American revolution. It was held AT noon,
on February 27th, at Lafayette Square, by the White House, mere blocks
from the Farragut North and McPherson Square metro stops.

This isn’t a conservative or liberal thing.

This is about government forking over billions of dollars, OUR MONEY,
to businesses that should have failed. This is about taking money from
responsible people and handing it over to CEOs who squandered their

We are not opposing any specific legislation or politician. We are
instead addressing the broader philosophical implications of a
government that has grown too large and too distant from the very
citizens it taxes. This is scary stuff.

April 15th, Tax Day, is the next date set for a nation-wide protest.

There will also be a protest in Raleigh THIS Saturday, March 21. Check
out the Raleigh Tea Party's website for details:

4. Libertarian Voter Registration Update: 4,600+!

Wake County is in the lead with over 600 registered Libertarians!

New Hanover County has the highest percentage of registered
Libertarians, at nearly 0.15%

5. Elevator Pitch: Libertarians and the National Sales Tax

[An ‘elevator pitch’ is an overview of an idea for a product, service,
or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be
delivered in the time span of an elevator ride - for example, thirty
seconds and 100-150 words. This week's 'pitch' is in response to the
question "Do libertarians support a national sales tax?," and was
written by Mary Ruwart. More of Mary's Short Answers can be found at]

Libertarians recognize that taxation of any kind is theft and
therefore do not support taxation. However, some dedicated
libertarians have been working to replace the income tax with a
[national] consumption tax.

They feel that people would feel the bite much more if everything that
they bought came with a double-digit sales tax. Tax raises would be
more visible -- and more unpopular for politicians to propose. The
abuses perpetrated by the IRS would also end. Public support for
abolishing taxes altogether would increase.

One danger that many libertarians see in proposing this switch is the
possibility that we would end up with a national sales tax AND an
income tax. Why not simply get rid of the income tax and replace it
with nothing, as Libertarian Party presidential candidate Harry Browne
proposed in 1996 and 2000? If all we did was to restrict government to
its constitutional limits, we could provide for defense and other
necessary functions with constitutionally-permitted excise taxes.
Next, libertarians could work on getting rid of those, too!

6. LPNC Resources

Join the LP!

Keep in Touch:
LPNC Announcement List (includes this Weekly Update and Special Announcements)

LPNC Activist/Discussion List – Connect with Fellow Activists:

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